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خطة VPS عالية السرعة لديك.
Dedicated cup
2GHZ Core3GHZ Core4GHZ Core5GHZ Core6GHZ CoreDedicated RAM
4GB8GB16GB32GB64GBSSD Storage
200GB250GB500GB750GB2TBالمميزات بالتفصيل
توجد Mostadyf لدعم عملائنا. يعتمد أكثر من 80,000 وكالة، وشركة صغيرة ومتوسطة، وأفراد على خدماتنا ليوفروا الوقت والمال، مما يتيح لهم التركيز على شغفهم وتنمية أعمالهم.
Plan Features | VPS-01 $3.48/mo | VPS-02 $3.56/mo | VPS-03 $4.25/mo | VPS-04 $6.5/mo | VPS-05 $7.2 |
vCPU | 1 Core | 1 Core | 1 Core | 1 Core | 1 Core |
Memory (RAM) | 1GB | 1GB | 1GB | 1GB | 1GB |
SSD Storage | 20 GB | 20 GB | 20 GB | 20 GB | 20 GB |
Multi- Core Geekbench Score | 608 | 608 | 608 | 608 | 608 |
Bandwidth | 1 TB | 1 TB | 1 TB | 1 TB | 1 TB |
Inode Limit | 1 310 720 | 1 310 720 | 1 310 720 | 1 310 720 | 1 310 720 |
Dedicated IP | |||||
Full Root Access | |||||
100 Mb/s Network | |||||
IPV4 & IPV6 Support | |||||
24/7/365 Support | |||||
Select | Select | Select | Select | Select |
عندما تتوقع الأداء، اختر استضافة VPS من Mostadyf.
"ركز على عملك وتجنب جميع متاعب استضافة الويب. تضمن استضافتنا المدارة أداءً لا يُضاهى وموثوقية مع فريق دعم ممتد."
إعدادها وإدارتها في غاية السهولة!
تضمن كل خطة استضافة خادم افتراضي تخصيص موارد فريدة لموقعك، مما يمنحك قوة غير مسبوقة وزمن استجابة فوري. استمتع بأداء متميز يساعدك على تحقيق أهدافك الرقمية... لأن كل ثانية تهم في عالم السرعة.
محركات الأقراص السريعة (SSD & NVMe)
تضمن محركات الأقراص الثابتة (SSD وNVMe) أداءً فائق السرعة لتحميل مواقعك بسرعة، مما يوفر تجربة سلسة للزوار. مع زمن انتظار منخفض واستجابة عالية، يمكنك التركيز على أعمالك بثقة. اختر SSD وNVMe لاستضافة متطورة تجعل كل ثانية تحسب.
الحزمة الكاملة متضمنة
تقدم لك الحزمة الكاملة كل ما تحتاجه لاستضافة مثالية، بما في ذلك دعم فني على مدار الساعة، ونسخ احتياطية تلقائية، وأمان متقدم. استمتع بإدارة سهلة وميزات متكاملة، مما يتيح لك التركيز على نمو أعمالك.
نطاق ترددي غير محدود
تقدم استضافتنا نطاقًا تردديًا غير محدود، مما يمنح موقعك حرية تحميل المحتوى ومشاركة البيانات دون قيود. استمتع بأداء سلس وتجربة مستخدم رائعة، وركز على تطوير أعمالك بينما نضمن لك أداءً ثابتًا ودائمًا.
دليل VPS قد يعجبك
تقدم الخوادم الافتراضية الخاصة (VPS) مزايا التكلفة للاستضافة المشتركة مع
أداء وموارد الاستضافة المخصصة، مما يوفر لك تجربة مثالية تجمع بين الفعالية والموثوقية.
تتضمن خوادم Mostadyf الافتراضية الخاصة
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Dynamically negotiate technologies after bricks-and-clicks portals. Competently deliver client-focused niche markets before parallel task pandemic.
VPS Control Panel
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تبحث عن المزيد من المواصفات الفنية؟ اطلع على قاعدة المعرفة الخاصة بخوادم VPS لدينا.
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نحن دائمًا جاهزون لتقديم المساعدة التي تحتاجها.
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Frequently Asked Questions
We are regularly rated 5 stars by our customers and with over reviews on Trustpilot and Facebook,
see for yourself why you can trust us to power your website.
We care about safety big time — and so do your site's visitors. With a Shared Hosting account, you get an SSL certificate for free to add to your site. In this day and age, having an SSL for your site is a no-brainer best practice. Not only does an SSL help your visitors feel safe interacting with your site — this is particularly important if you run an e-commerce site.
We care about safety big time — and so do your site's visitors. With a Shared Hosting account, you get an SSL certificate for free to add to your site. In this day and age, having an SSL for your site is a no-brainer best practice. Not only does an SSL help your visitors feel safe interacting with your site — this is particularly important if you run an e-commerce site.
We care about safety big time — and so do your site's visitors. With a Shared Hosting account, you get an SSL certificate for free to add to your site. In this day and age, having an SSL for your site is a no-brainer best practice. Not only does an SSL help your visitors feel safe interacting with your site — this is particularly important if you run an e-commerce site.
We care about safety big time — and so do your site's visitors. With a Shared Hosting account, you get an SSL certificate for free to add to your site. In this day and age, having an SSL for your site is a no-brainer best practice. Not only does an SSL help your visitors feel safe interacting with your site — this is particularly important if you run an e-commerce site.
We care about safety big time — and so do your site's visitors. With a Shared Hosting account, you get an SSL certificate for free to add to your site. In this day and age, having an SSL for your site is a no-brainer best practice. Not only does an SSL help your visitors feel safe interacting with your site — this is particularly important if you run an e-commerce site.
We care about safety big time — and so do your site's visitors. With a Shared Hosting account, you get an SSL certificate for free to add to your site. In this day and age, having an SSL for your site is a no-brainer best practice. Not only does an SSL help your visitors feel safe interacting with your site — this is particularly important if you run an e-commerce site.
We care about safety big time — and so do your site's visitors. With a Shared Hosting account, you get an SSL certificate for free to add to your site. In this day and age, having an SSL for your site is a no-brainer best practice. Not only does an SSL help your visitors feel safe interacting with your site — this is particularly important if you run an e-commerce site.
We care about safety big time — and so do your site's visitors. With a Shared Hosting account, you get an SSL certificate for free to add to your site. In this day and age, having an SSL for your site is a no-brainer best practice. Not only does an SSL help your visitors feel safe interacting with your site — this is particularly important if you run an e-commerce site.
We care about safety big time — and so do your site's visitors. With a Shared Hosting account, you get an SSL certificate for free to add to your site. In this day and age, having an SSL for your site is a no-brainer best practice. Not only does an SSL help your visitors feel safe interacting with your site — this is particularly important if you run an e-commerce site.
We care about safety big time — and so do your site's visitors. With a Shared Hosting account, you get an SSL certificate for free to add to your site. In this day and age, having an SSL for your site is a no-brainer best practice. Not only does an SSL help your visitors feel safe interacting with your site — this is particularly important if you run an e-commerce site.
We care about safety big time — and so do your site's visitors. With a Shared Hosting account, you get an SSL certificate for free to add to your site. In this day and age, having an SSL for your site is a no-brainer best practice. Not only does an SSL help your visitors feel safe interacting with your site — this is particularly important if you run an e-commerce site.
We care about safety big time — and so do your site's visitors. With a Shared Hosting account, you get an SSL certificate for free to add to your site. In this day and age, having an SSL for your site is a no-brainer best practice. Not only does an SSL help your visitors feel safe interacting with your site — this is particularly important if you run an e-commerce site.
We care about safety big time — and so do your site's visitors. With a Shared Hosting account, you get an SSL certificate for free to add to your site. In this day and age, having an SSL for your site is a no-brainer best practice. Not only does an SSL help your visitors feel safe interacting with your site — this is particularly important if you run an e-commerce site.
ضمان استرداد المال خلال 30 يومًا
نحن نقدم ضمان استرداد المال خلال 30 يومًا، مما يمنحك الثقة التامة في خدماتنا. إذا لم تكن راضيًا عن تجربتك، يمكنك استرداد أموالك بسهولة، دون أي تعقيدات. جرب خدماتنا بلا مخاطر واستمتع براحة البال أثناء تطوير أعمالك.